Healing Veterans

One Mile at a Time


We Help Those in Need Find Peace Through Adventure

Offroading, with its combination of adrenaline-pumping adventure and outdoor beauty, presents a powerful avenue for healing and connection. As veterans navigate the rugged terrains, not only do they find respite from their daily challenges, but they also rediscover a sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Our programs prioritize safety without compromising the thrill and excitement that offroading provides. We collaborate with experienced offroad instructors and mental health professionals who have a deep understanding of the unique traumas faced by veterans. Through this multidisciplinary approach, we ensure that participants can address their individual needs while simultaneously engrossing themselves in nature's wonders.

Our Organization

At Recoil Outdoor, we understand the profound impact that outdoor activities can have on overall well-being and mental health. In particular, we recognize the therapeutic benefits that offroading can offer, especially for our veterans seeking solace and healing. Our commitment to supporting those who have served is unwavering, and we proudly offer veteran therapy offroad programs tailored to their unique needs.

For many veterans, the transition from military to civilian life can be challenging, fraught with emotional and psychological obstacles. The scars, both visible and hidden, that they bear from their service require understanding, patience, and specialized care. That's where our veteran therapy offroad programs come into play.

Take Action

As a registered non-profit 501C3, we can always use more help! Whether it’s equipment donations, financial contributions, partnerships/sponsorships, or volunteers, the support of our community is what sustains us to continue to help others. We support others directly from the support we’re afforded through you.

Click the “find out how” button to see how you can be an asset to our mission today.